Tuesday 31 May 2011

Dogs off to the vets.

   Rang the vets to order the dogs repeat prescription earlier and the vet wants to see him for his 6 month check up while on this medication. Not sure what this involves or how much it will cost, will probably need blood work and liver checks. I'm hoping they keep him on the meds, not sure I could cope seeing him fitting again.

   I finished weaving the front part of the clothespin peg bag yesterday, its pretty misshapen so might need to do it again. Weaving the slit is what I think has made it go all wonky. I've already started the back piece and once thats done I will decide on what to do next, I might be able to put it all together. If not I'll make a new front piece and safety pin the slit as I go along, I think that will help me control the slit weaving better.

  Hope you all have a great day, take care folks

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