
Saturday, 30 October 2010

Knitted baby blanket

Knitted Baby Blanket
   Just a quick post today and only a couple of pictures. This is a baby blanket I knitted for one of my nieces, I did knit another baby blanket with hearts once but I can't find the pictures anymore.

  The pattern for this blanket is here. Its a really simple knit.

Knitted Baby Blanket
    I think this is the only time I've worked with more than one colour but doing stripes is as easy as joining another ball of yarn, though you do have to join on the same side otherwise you get an odd line of dashes. You can't see it on the only pictures I have but I did mess up the join on one of the rows of colours.

   As you can see its not very well knitted, it looks kinda lacey in places. The yarn I used was some acrylic I was given, not ideal for a baby really but time was short and we have to make do with whats on hand.

   Hope you all have a great weekend, its sunny and warm here today so I'm going to make the most of it.

Friday, 29 October 2010


   Winds ups, usual for this time of year here. Makes riding the bike interesting or just plain hard work at times. I think it will be gusting at 60mph by night fall, I best check the high fences and I should take the chimney off the burner and pack it up for the winter.

  I've finished the oatmeal bfl with my drop spindle, it seemed a heck of a lot easier this time around. Guess I'm getting used to it. Theres roughly 200 yrds from the 100g, split in halfs so I can ply it. Wonder what I can knit with 100yrds of pure wool, something that doesn't need lots of washing care me thinks.

  Not finished the Iphone sock cosy yet, only about an inch to go so will get that done sometime today. I'll need to make another Icord but I love knitting those. I'll probably start another Iphone sock cosy straight after this one is done, will have a look through my yarn stash. I might even have another go at weaving one this weekend.

 I usually have fish on a Friday but couldn't find anything I fancied, was almost tempted by a bit of sea bass but think it was a little old. I got a couple of duck legs instead, not had duck in years and haven't cooked it in even longer. I'll probably just fry it up, keep it simple and see how it turns out. I'll save the fat, not sure its as good as goose fat but I bet its close and nearly as tasty for roast spuds.

  Picture post tomorrow of what I know not. Have a good weekend.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Good bye oatmeal.

   I've nearly finished off the oatmeal bfl, yaaaaaaa. I was trying to spin it on the kick spindle and it wasn't working out well this time so I used the top whorl spindle. I haven't used my drop spindle since getting the kick spindle and I have to say I love drop spindles, there so much fun to use. I think I might of even improved since using the kick spindle.

  I'll finish off the oatmeal bfl today on the drop spindle then I'll have ago with the white bfl but I'll use the kick spindle and see how I get on. The differences between this lot of fleece and my first lots might be rovings v's tops, though only the oatmeal has had a smell to it.

  I haven't read all of the new book but its pretty interesting, I think the book on carding, spinning and dyeing,I bought last week was based a lot on this book. One section I've read that was really good was all about flax and nettle preparation, I might even give spinning nettles ago. Along with my nettle beer.

  No weaving done but I've knitted about halfway on the grey/gray Iphone sock. Looking very executive. One thing I don't like about the colour is its hard to see the stitches for knitting, I've made a couple of counting mistakes that I've had to unknit(tink?) that with a lighter coloured yarn  I would of picked up on straight away.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Another book

    I've bought another book on carding,spinning and dyeing. "Carding, Spinning, Dyeing: Introduction to the Traditional Wool and Flax Crafts (Elisabeth Hoppe & Ragnar Edberg)" This one looks interesting with more details on what I need, though I haven't read it yet. Its an older book published in 1975 that I picked up second hand on ebay. I really need to stop buying books and start buying more yarns and roving's. I do want a book on cable stitches and theres another book I have my eye on and a book on basic weaving would be nice and and and.........

   I only got a tiny bit of spinning done yesterday, my heart wasn't in it. I know you shouldn't blame your tools but I'm going to blame this oatmeal bfl roving. Its been a pain from day one and I'll be glad to see the back of it. I do have two top whorl drop spindles and a kick spindle that takes reels(2)(bobbins???) so I could ignore the oatmeal and start on the white bfl I have.

    No weaving done but did a little knitting for the Iphone sock cosy, already planned another one in my head pretty much based on this one but different. Found a scarf pattern that I like and might make a start on that this week, or even today. Christmas fast approaches and I have nothing done apart from the double basket weave scarf.

   Its lovely and sunny out and pretty warm too so I may sit in the garden and read this new book this afternoon. I'll try and get some spinning done and will do more knitting on the Iphone sock cosy too. Probably finish the Iphone sock by tomorrow.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Wet, wet, wet.

    Its raining, its pouring, the old man is snoring. He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning. Yep its raining out, not pouring rain but the fine drizzle stuff that soaks you slowly to the bone. I've been out in it twice and have no intention of going back out today, bit of knitting, spinning and a good cup of coffee are my plans for the rest of the day.

  Started another Iphone sock cosy, this one in grey/gray. Its mainly moss/seed stitch with two rope cables, haven't started the cable parts yet, will have to figure out which is the best way around for them. I've finished the pink Iphone sock, Icords done, its weaved in and is just waiting for a wash and block.

  The pink woven one I made is way to small, by an inch. Its not eyelash yarn but the feather yarn stuff so its pretty furry and chunky. Oh well its all good practise and its the first time I've actually finished a piece and tied it all off. I'll think about weaving another one but think it will need to be done side on for the right measurements.

  I'll be using my kick spindle again today, I need to write a post about it. I love using it, its a lot easier than I thought though is a bit hard on my leg. I end up standing up to use it a lot, really need a chair the right height to use it comfortably I think.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Weekends done.

   I got some more bfl, white this time. Haven't had a proper look but did have a smell and it smells of nothing. I think the oatmeal bfl hadn't been cleaned properly. Its not that it smelt bad bad but it didn't smell good either. I'm going to finished spinning it in two halfs and ply them both together then I can give them a decent wash.

  Darn cold out this morning, didn't want to get out of bed cold. Had two cups of coffee before I walked the dog, it was still frosty and icy outside but sunny. It looks warm in the sun but it ain't really, definitely coat and gloves weather from now on me thinks. Hat and scarf too.

  The ashford book of carding I got isn't great. If you want to colour blend it is probably great, it does seem to cover colours much more than carding. What I'm really after is a book that covers it all from the sheep to the  wheel, even a chapter on shearing. If anyone knows a book like that comment/email me please.

  I've finished one of the Iphone sock cosy thingies, I might need to make the Icord a bit long but its pretty much finished. The moss/seed stitch has turned out well next to the cable stitches, I wasn't sure it would. I'm going to knit another one in moss/seed stitch but with two cables this time. Then I really need to sort out why my purls are laddering in my rib stitches, hopefully the problem has gone away.

  I've weaved another Iphone sock cosy in pink eyelash yarn, the knitted one is also in pink but not eyelash. Its still on the loom and I need to knit an Icord for it and sew it all together, not sure it will sell but she did want odd pink ones.

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Cable IPhone Sock Cosy

Magic loop IPhone sock rope cable.
Cable IPhone Sock Cosy

    This is the Iphone sock cosy I knitted for one of my sisters birthdays. She loves it and some of her friends at work have asked me to knit some more, which I'm working on at the moment. I'm doing them all slightly different styles(cables) and colours, including an odd pink one at the moment.
Knitted IPhone sock cosy
   I did this Iphone sock cosy using magic loop, I'm not sure how you'd split it for 3 or 4 double point needles. I did the front with a simple rope cable and the back in basket weave. The pictures are not great and the work wasn't blocked when I took the pictures.
Knitted Cable Iphone Sock

  The Iphone sock is for an IPhone 3 and measures around 3" wide by 5" long. You'll need to just your needles for the yarn your using to get those measurmeants.
Cast on 40 stitches and split them into 20 for the magic loop,join and

  • Row 1 Knit
  • 2 K6,p2,k4,p2,k6, back part is k5,p5,k5,p5
  • 3 p2,k4,p2,k4,p2,k4,p2. k5,p5,k5,p5
  • 4 repeat row 2
  • 5 repeat row 3
  • 6 k6,p2,C4F,p2,k6, back part is a knit row.
  • 7 p2,k4,p2,k4,p2,k4,p2back part now changes to p5,k5,p5,k5
  • 8 k6,p2,k4,p2,k6. p5,k5,p5,k5
   For the front cables are every 6th row for the back repeat the pattern of either k5,p5,k5,p5 or p5,k5,p5,k5 for 4 rows with a knit row inbetween the patterns.
  I changed to 1*1 ribbing for the last few rows and did a couple of yarn overs to thread the Icord through, next time I probably would do real button holes. 
 Hope thats clear if not email me and I'll write it out for you, it is a pretty simple pattern. 

Iphone Sock Cosy

Friday, 22 October 2010


Short post today folks.

   Just got back from the vets and there were no problems with the meds. I got a repeat script for a reduced dosage which should help the dog stop staggering around like a drunk. Vet told me he can still have fits because it take about 2 weeks for the meds to start working properly and can even have fits while on the meds until they find the right dosage for him.

 Had a good play with my kick spindle, more about that another day I'm afraid,just don't have the time right now. I also started one of the Iphone socks as well but have been forced to do moss/seed stitch because my purls with ribbing are laddering again. I've mentioned this before and will post on it again soon because its a pain and I need help to sort it out.

 Not sure what will be posted for Saturday so just pop back for a surprise. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Waiting in.

 Got the ashford book of carding this morning, haven't had time to read it or bearly flick through it yet though. I'll have a closer look in a little while. I'm waiting on the postman, again. I hate waiting in, he usually comes very late when I wait in but very early if I pop the shops or walk the dog. Now I know he is fetching the drop spindle since I have the book by regular post, I can't wait to have a play with it.

  The dogs not happy missing his morning walk while I wait in for the postman. Spoke to the vet assistant and there seems to be some confusion over his meds. I've booked an appointment for Friday to see the actual vet and see where we go from there. I'm not too happy about the way this is playing but I'm sure it will soon be cleared up. You don't give someone meds not to use unless your just trying to make money.

  Saw my sister yesterday, the one who got an Iphone sock cosy thingy. Great news for me is that she has 3 orders for me to knit and sell. 3 of her friends at work all want one and maybe even a forth. I need to sort colours out, one was described as glittery pink and I hate knitting with novelty yarns. It will be nice to make some yarn cash though, just thinking maybe I could weave the novelty yarn. Its not like there suited to fancy patterns like cables.

  I'll let you all know how I get on with the kick spindle, I think it might take a little or a lot of getting used too.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


   Didn't get anything done yesterday. I think the stress of the dog being ill has caught up with me. I have slept in my own bed the last 2 nights but I'm not sleeping all that well. The dogs taken to sleeping at my bedside so every time he twitches in his sleep or scratches I'm up and wondering if its another fit. I've cut a pill in half for him this morning but will give him a full dose tonight. I'll be seeing the vet later and will discuss managing his meds better.

  Its a frosty morning out but the skies are clear and the suns out, its sort of warm until the wind blows then it reminds you of winter. I'm going to take the dog on a long walk over the hills. Should be a refreshing day.

  I'll get some knitting, spinning or weaving done when I get back. Hope you all have a nice day.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Darn Postman

  I've missed the postman again, I was only out for 15 mins. I swear they wait until I'm out then run around as fast as they can. I think he was trying to deliver a book, the card said too big for letterbox and the kick spindle needs to be signed for. The book I'm waiting on was an impulse buy, The Ashford Book of Carding. I think I'll be glad I bought this one though.

  Popped over to asda to buy a crock pot/slow cooker for £8 but they have none left. Been wondering whether to buy one or not to use for dyeing and decided last night that I would. Oh well, I'll have to look for a cheap one on ebay. I could use my old one and buy myself a new one for food cooking, a better one than I already have.

  Did a bit more weaving yesterday, set up the spear's loom from scratch again and was much faster this time. I weaved the right way around too so when it came time to wind the work up it worked. I think I really need a heddle for my bigger frame loom though, the spear's loom is great but the work is done really fast and needs winding up all the time. I could use the heddle from the spear's loom or maybe make one out of some cardboard or plastic, I do have some plexi glass that might work well. Next time I'll try and do some vertical lines, maybe today.

  Tiny bit of knitting done on the ex Iphone sock cosy thingy last night, will finish that off today then I can start another one. I also really need to start another double basket weave scarf for my friend in the states. Still haven't finished off the backpack and I haven't started any Christmas presents yet, no surprises there really. I might buy some yarn instead of the crock pot, only need a little to get the fingerless gloves done.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Weaving, nearly there.

  My dog is still doing ok, he's had no more fits but is a little dopey at times. Thanks for the advice, encouragement and links.

  I did some weaving on Sunday, set up the spear's loom for the first time. Setting up the loom took me ages and then I had to move all the threads along so the work was more straight. 

    I used different colours for my weft and again they didn't show up in the weave but have finally figured out why. I've been reading double wool as double knit wool,dk. It seems if you use two threads of yarn for weaving the weft colours do show up. Some of the weft had two colours, one going through the holes and another colour going through the gaps in the heddle, they both showed in the weave once I started using two strands of yarn for weaving. Its this part that has been doing my head in since I started.

  I'm not 100% sure how to get solid vertical lines still but think you weave them in a separate colour. I've had a ago at this last time when I was making squares. Its something I really need to practise though as sometimes there were holes or bumps depending on where I turned.

  Another mistake I made with the spear's loom was that I started weaving upside down so that once it came time to move the work along and wrap it around I couldn't. I've got that part figured now so next time I can make a longer piece. It might be better though if I practise more on short pieces until I have colour changes right.

  Over all I'm happy with the results, glad I finally figured how to make the colours in the weft show up. I'm still a long way from weaving tartan though.

  I did manage a little knitting aswell on the Iphone sock cosy thingy but I'm not happy with a section of purls. I sometimes have this problem  that my purls are not tight enough. Its odd really, when it happens it repeats itself row after row making it all look very untidy.

k2,p3,pk4,p2,k2,p2,k4,p3,k2 turn magic loop and knit the back k2,p3,k2,p4,k2,p4,k2,p3,k2. As you can see there are a lot of p and k changes but I'm only messing up one row after row after row. Its the first purl after the knit 4 on the front of the work. Its a problem that doesn't happen all the time but crops up from time to time with me and I have no idea why.

  I've decided to do a bit more on the Iphone sock cosy thingy but stop short and use it for my tobacco tin and knit another Iphone sock cosy thingy, hopefully without the mistakes this time. I'm also going to knit it a bit thinner too, change the p3 to p2 on the front and p4 to p3 on the back

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Quick dog update.

  He's not had any more fits but isn't himself, not sure if that's the meds or not though, he's whiny and seems unsettled. He was really zonked last night, had a job waking him up. I'm thinking I'll keep him on this dose level a day or two more then cut the tablets in half. I should see the vet really this week and see what she says.

Hope your all having a pleasant weekend.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

No picture post today.

  Got a load of washing on the line. It was sunny just a second ago, sat down to write this and its suddenly gone dark, very dark. Hope its not going to rain, I've got the dogs bedding in the washing machine.

  The dog had two more short fits, one at around 3am and the other around 7am. I've given him his second dose of meds and I think once they build up in his system they should start to work better...............bollox he just had another while I'm sitting here. 1.22pm approx 45 secs long. He's breathing very hard, not too steady on his feet but wants to play ball within two mins.

  I really hope these meds start working soon.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Dogs seizing again

  Dogs just had two seizures about 15 mins apart, not good. Not good at all. Both fits were short, less than a min each I think but being that close together isn't healthy. I've given him one of the tablets the vet gave me and I think I'll sleep on the couch tonight to be on the safe side.

  He's very unsettled at the moment, keeps getting up for a walk around, got the back door open for him even though its freezing out. Brrrrr.I really hope these tablets work. Not sure I want him on tablets all the time but think these ones need to be given every day. There was no signs that he was about to fit, I think last time he was spooked for a couple of days before he had his first.

Please say a little prayer for my poor dog and I, thanks.


   Not really much to write about today. Guess that's a problem with having a knitting blog, you can only knit so much. Gets kinda boring hearing that I only knit 8 rows yesterday. No spinning, no weaving, haven't started on my friends scarf yet and NO I haven't finished the backpack.

  The weather is turning for sure now, almost had the heating on last night but resisted. I'll dust off the aladdin heater later, fill it and check the wick. I probably have enough paraffin for this winter but really should get more just incase. I do have a fair amount of gas though if things do go sideways.

  I do have enough worsted weight yarn a friend from the states got me for a jumper, worsted I think is a bit thinner than aran. We really need to get together and sort out knitting terms, be it needle sizes, yarn weights or moss, seed stitches. Cast on, cast off not bind off. Life's to confusing at times, theres no need to make knitting more complicated.

  My kick spindle hasn't arrived yet, theres still time today but I have a funny feeling it will be Monday. I'll try and save some of the fleece I have for when it arrives but will order some more bfl in a bit. I'm going to get it from the original person I got my first lot from, just not happy with this oatmeal bfl I'm currently using.

  That's all for now, pop back tomorrow for a picture post and I hope you all have a great productive weekend. Stay warm.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Good book

   I really enjoyed this book, "Spinning, Dyeing & weaving. Self- Sufficiency", by Penny Walsh. Reading it straight through only stopping once for a cup of coffee to take the chill off. Any of the ideas in the book would take more study on there own but all round this was a great inspirational read. From keeping your own silk worms in a fish tank to how to prepare plant fibers for spinning and weaving and how to dye them all using natural dyes. It also covered what fleeces to use, how to pick them then how to prepare them ready for spinning. For the price its well worth adding to the collection.

   Did some more spinning yesterday, still having trouble with this oatmeal bfl. I've nearly finished it off so will buy some more bfl from another seller and see how that is. My new kick spindle should be here by the weekend, if it comes tomorrow I hope I catch the postman otherwise it will probably be Monday/Tuesday.

   A friend from the States wants me to knit her a double basket weave scarf so I'll get onto that today, or tomorrow. Not sure when I'll have the time to fit it all in. I'm going to use the same yarn as last time, its the only suitable yarn I have. I still have a fair amount left, can't really keep using it for my family though and I think its too dark already to over dye.

  Moving slowly on with the Iphone sock cosy thing though I'm sure it will be finished during the weekend so I can play with the loom some. I'm not sure what picture post will be up on Saturday, I'm getting low on picture finished projects. Might do the first Iphone sock cosy thing, or might not. You'll all have to wait and see.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Another Book

  Got a new book today, Spinning, Dyeing and weaving. Haven't had a full look yet but was reading bits about dyeing before, its got natural plant dyes in it. I'll have a proper read of it later. Read bits and pieces in the tartan book, it has the clans tartan and a little history. Unfortunately the instructions aren't great. The second book that come free with it is pretty good though, helping me understand a little better. It does seem I will have to mess around a bit to get vertical stripes, at least the rest is easy with the heddle.

  I haven't threaded the new loom yet, glad it came with some work on it as it does look a little confusing. I might spend the weekend playing with it, it is so easy to use though, push up, thread, push down and thread. The loom came with instructions this time and a pattern booklet. The pattern booklet isn't great but I have the basics down so will try one with a vertical stripe.

  I ordered a kick spindle yesterday. I've been uhmming and arrring about buying one for a couple of days, there not cheap. After a few days thinking about it I decided ya. There goes my spinning wheel savings. I'll let you know what its like when I get it, so looking forward to spinning with it.

  Started another Iphone sock yesterday too, not 100% sure about how the pattern will turn out for the back. I've played around with it some and decided to give it a go. I still haven't finished off the backpack, I really should get the last few bits finished on it.

  Got some washing on the line, its cold out but lovely and sunny. I think this autumn, fall, is going to be nicer than the summer we had here.  This is my favorite season though so I might be biased.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Weaving Goodies.

   Got my tartan weaving book today, booklet really and pretty expensive for the number of pages. It did come with a second how to weave booklet though and the tartan weave one is pretty rare, specialised so no complaints. I haven't read it fully yet but once I master weaving it will come in handy.

  I also got another loom today, a Spear's No2 weaving loom. Its a kids loom that's wide enough to do scarfs on and I think it will go up to 5 feet long. Its got a heddle, something my frame loom doesn't have. The spear's loom came with some work already set up on it, I've had a go and its a joy to use. Its just stripes but is so easy to do compared to the messing around with the frame loom I think I'll be using this one mainly.

  The main thing that has really been throwing me off with weaving is vertical lines. With the heddle loom I think its done by the way you thread the yarn through the holes and slots. I'm a long way from weaving tartan but think I've taken a step closer today, fingers crossed.

  And now for the really really really good news!!!! I've finished the backpack straps!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!. I haven't finished the backpack yet, it only needs weaving in, a buckle sewn on and a button and its done. About time too. The backpack was pretty easy to knit and quickish too, its the straps that have been holding me up for months. So glad to have gotten this one out of the way. I'll do a post on it soon once I have taken pictures.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Frog it

   Started another Iphone sock cosy thingy but the pattern on the back isn't working at all. Its a bit like window panes, I've had to adjust the number of stitches and convert it for knitting in the round. Somewhere along the way I've messed it up and I can't really see how, so its back to the drawing board. I did carry on knitting the Iphone sock while changing the pattern around to see if that works, it looks a lot better but isn't what I'm after. Its looking like I might go back to the basket weave pattern. Frog it.

  Found a nice reversible cable pattern for the scarf but that's not working out either, its the same with the double basket weave pattern you can only see it at certain angles in certain lights. So I'm going to keep this chunky yarn and knit myself a vest, hope I have enough. 

    There are no bands on the chunky balls so I have no idea how many yards I have and looking at other chunky balls there seems to be a fair difference. I will probably unwind a ball around the back of the chair for a rough measurement before I knit anything big with it, I'd hate to run out.

  My mouse is on the fritz. I use a trackball type mouse and there not cheap. I do have a standard mouse but no mouse mat,pad. Tried to set it up using different surfaces but it was doing my head in so I swapped back to my dodgy trackball. I'd sooner spend my money on yarn than mouses.

  Talking of money I did buy two books, I won the bid on ebay for the tartan weaving book and I bought a spinning, dyeing and weaving book. I need to sort out my amazon stuff so it shows up on here. With luck both books will be here by Wednesday, hope I can catch the postman this time.

Hope you all had a more productive weekend than I did.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Baby Dolls hats

Pocket scarf update too.
Baby dolls hats
These are the first hats I ever knitted. I did them for my niece, the first one I thought was too small so knitted another one. Turns out they were both too small so ended up being dolls hats.
Baby hat
    I did the pom poms on two fingers, its a lot quicker to make small pom poms on two fingers than using cards. I had fun cutting the pom poms hair. They are great fun to make.

    Not sure about the yarn I used, nice colours. Mainly white with subtle tones mixed in but the yarn itself wasn't great. Some cheap stuff my sister gave me, probably 100% acrylic.
Baby Dolls Hats
(ETA Not sure why you can't click the images to enlarge any more, if you go to finished projects you can find more images at my photobucket page or flickr page.)

  Pocket Scarf Update.

    The double basket weave pattern really isn't working with this scarf. You can hardly make out the pattern which is a shame. I'm going to look for a cabled pattern but I want something that has no wrong side, not sure if that can be done or not. I really don't want to knit a plain scarf. If I can't find a pattern that works I think I'll knit a vest with this yarn for myself and get some other yarn for the scarf.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Button holes

   In the past for button holes, only ever done one, I usually just do yarn overs to make the hole. I've done it that way more often for threading Icord which works fine. 
  Yesterday I did my first real button hole and messed it up straight away. I did the one row button(video) hole, not sure what I did wrong but it was a mess. There was a hole sort of so I carried on knitting and then changed my mind so started unknitting. Hit a big problem for me when I got back to the button hole because its cast off/bind off I didn't think it could be unknitted. Turned to the good folks at ravelry for help and soon had it all unknitted.
  I got the button hole right on my second attempt, not sure what my original mistake was. It looks prefect though its not in the center but that's my fault. So know I can knit real button holes, unknit cast off/bind off stitches and I also learned cable cast ons. Not a bad day really.

   The button hole was for the Iphone sock cosy thingy that I finished yesterday. It looks fine but I think its too thin, it stretches well and should fit the Iphone fine but I think the flap will be too thin, pattern distorted compared to the front. I'm going to knit another one with the same crossed arrow cable pattern on the front but a bit wider. I might try another pattern for the back this time. I'm also thinking of two buttons to close it, just because I can knit button holes now. Heh, I need the practise.

  Got my chunky grey tweed yesterday, its chunky. I was surprised how big the bag was, its chunky. I'll make a start on the pocket scarf sometime today, looking forward to knitting double basket weave again.I think I will also use this yarn for the newsboy cap, bakers boy hat.

  Not sure what I'm posting tomorrow but there will be pictures. Have a good Friday and weekend.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Waiting on the post

    Nearly finished the Iphone sock cosy thingy. Cast off the front part and started the flap with no problems, a lot like doing the heel flap on  a sock. I swapped over form the basket weave pattern to the crossed arrow cable I was using for the front, folded over it will be upside down but lined up right and it will look good. I need to put a button hole in somewhere and then it will be pretty much done. I might do a Iphone picture post on Saturday, the other Iphone one I did.

  My needle craft book I won from janeweston came today, haven't had a good look at it yet but it looks very detailed, is big and heavy too. It doesn't look like it has any weaving in it so will have to buy another book on weaving. The tartan book I'm bidding on I think is more about patterns than a how too.

  Still waiting in for mister postman, the book didn't come from the post office so I now know its the yarn that is due. I'll be able to get on with the Christmas presents as soon as it arrives. The dogs a little miffed about waiting in for the postman too, he loves his walks.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Spun a little, knit a little

  Well I did some more spinning with the oatmeal bluefaced, really need to be careful pre drafting it as it falls apart very easy even though its pretty thick. I think I've gotten the hang of it now, just need to draft more whilst spinning. The roving's are very long compared to the other tops I've spun so its pretty slow going.

  I also did some knitting on the Iphone sock cosy thing, the ones with the cabled crossed arrows. I had sort of forgotten about it with the dog fitting. Think I'll get it finished by tomorrow, going to do it with a cabled flap I think. Did a few more rows on the backpack straps, again.

  I didn't win the ebay book, price went too high. Have bid on a tartan book today though. I will learn to weave tartan, I'm determined about that. Not sure why,theres no Scottish blood in my veins but there is plenty of Irish and a bit of Welsh.

  Got my mild bottled yesterday as well, tastes wonderful straight from the bucket. 4% with a final Gravity of 1.002. I think I'll be getting more of this stuff.

  Weathers nice today, got a load on the line to dry. Not sure how much more I can line dry this year. I hate putting damp clothes on the line when its freezing cold out but hate drying in the house. Do have a tumble dryer but haven't used that in years, goes against my frugal nature.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

The Postman Never Rings Twice

   I'm sure the postman hides around the corner waiting for me to go out when ever he has something for me that will not fit the letterbox. Now I have to wait until Thursday to see what goodies he was bringing me. It could be the book I won or the yarn I've ordered.

  Bidding on a spinning book on ebay but don't want to bid to high because there are a few books I want. Looking at weaving and dyeing books too. I need to rejoin the library or get rich.

  I'm going to have another crack at the oatmeal bluefaced latter today, see if its any better. Will probably order more fleece tops as well this week, not sure what to order though. I really did like the white bluefaced but this oatmeal isn't being nice. I might order something I've not spun before so I can learn more. I do have one dog brush, waiting on the other one, so I suppose I could order some washed but uncarded fleece to play with.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Weaving Weekend.

  I did a fair amount of weaving this weekend. I still don't fully get it, well I don't get how tartan is done. I can do stripes and now squares though my squares need more work on the joining part, sometimes it looks right other times it produced a bump or looks like it might leave a hole though it doesn't. Its fun to do though, rather hypnotic once you get going.

  I'm thinking now of doing a white and red scarf instead of a tartan one. Would be mainly white with flecks of red every few rows. I might make it a little longer then fold over the ends for pockets. Pockets scarfs seem to be this winters fashion.

  I spun a little of this new oatmeal blueface and hate it. It has a smell which the white didn't and it falls apart too easy and for no reason. It still feels nice and fluffy though but I won't be buying it from the same person again.

  Only did a tiny bit of knitting this weekend, on the backpack straps. Yes I still have not finished this blasted project!!! I think I'm very near the end but have thought that before so am probably weeks away from finishing still.

  Hope you folks had a relaxing productive weekend.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Magic Loop Socks

Red Socks
Magic loop red socks

    These are the second pair of socks I ever knitted.

Red sox
The only changes I made were to the cuffs. I did 1*1 rib instead of 2*2 rib. You can see the 1*1 rib cuff in this picture.

   The yarn is knitpro, knitpicks that a friend sent me from the states. I love the little coloured bits in it.

Red Sox
  For a fuller post on socks see my first socks post.
Magic loop red socks
  I made these socks longer in the leg and they fit me much better. There a lot more comfy and so far my best pair. I do love the variegated yarns but I also love these solid coloured ones with the interesting flecks of colour.
(Click pictures to enlarge)

Happy Dance

       I won the Needle craft book that Jane was giving away, yaaaaaa me.
A happy dance and big thank you!!!

Friday, 1 October 2010

Its an Iphone sock cosy

  Its been doing my head in for a while but I finally remembered to ask my sister what it is. Its not an Ipod or Ipad its a Iphone, an Iphone 3. Seems the other Iphones are different sizes too. I'll do a post soon, maybe even tomorrow, with the instructions and pictures. Wish I'd took a couple of pictures when she was here with the Iphone inside the sock cosy thingy. I might wait to do this post until I have those pictures.

  Finished spinning the white bluefaced yesterday, its still on the spindle so need to sort that out before I start on the oatmeal bluefaced.I really need to start plying, I think its easy but have never done it so will probably run into all sorts of problems and end up in a heap on the floor in several knots.

  I've bid on some chunky tweed yarn, 65% wool, for the scarf I need to do. I'm going to do it in double basket weave I think, though I did find a very nice cabled scarf pattern with pockets yesterday so might do that in the end. 

  The double basket weave would be easy though, just knit some deep enough for the pocket then add a row so the pattern is turned around then knit to the end, add a row so the pattern was turned again and knit another pocket. Fold over and sew and thats it really, simples.