Its been doing my head in for a while but I finally remembered to ask my sister what it is. Its not an Ipod or Ipad its a Iphone, an Iphone 3. Seems the other Iphones are different sizes too. I'll do a post soon, maybe even tomorrow, with the instructions and pictures. Wish I'd took a couple of pictures when she was here with the Iphone inside the sock cosy thingy. I might wait to do this post until I have those pictures.
Finished spinning the white bluefaced yesterday, its still on the spindle so need to sort that out before I start on the oatmeal bluefaced.I really need to start plying, I think its easy but have never done it so will probably run into all sorts of problems and end up in a heap on the floor in several knots.
I've bid on some chunky tweed yarn, 65% wool, for the scarf I need to do. I'm going to do it in double basket weave I think, though I did find a very nice cabled scarf pattern with pockets yesterday so might do that in the end.
The double basket weave would be easy though, just knit some deep enough for the pocket then add a row so the pattern is turned around then knit to the end, add a row so the pattern was turned again and knit another pocket. Fold over and sew and thats it really, simples.
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