
Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Another Book

  Got a new book today, Spinning, Dyeing and weaving. Haven't had a full look yet but was reading bits about dyeing before, its got natural plant dyes in it. I'll have a proper read of it later. Read bits and pieces in the tartan book, it has the clans tartan and a little history. Unfortunately the instructions aren't great. The second book that come free with it is pretty good though, helping me understand a little better. It does seem I will have to mess around a bit to get vertical stripes, at least the rest is easy with the heddle.

  I haven't threaded the new loom yet, glad it came with some work on it as it does look a little confusing. I might spend the weekend playing with it, it is so easy to use though, push up, thread, push down and thread. The loom came with instructions this time and a pattern booklet. The pattern booklet isn't great but I have the basics down so will try one with a vertical stripe.

  I ordered a kick spindle yesterday. I've been uhmming and arrring about buying one for a couple of days, there not cheap. After a few days thinking about it I decided ya. There goes my spinning wheel savings. I'll let you know what its like when I get it, so looking forward to spinning with it.

  Started another Iphone sock yesterday too, not 100% sure about how the pattern will turn out for the back. I've played around with it some and decided to give it a go. I still haven't finished off the backpack, I really should get the last few bits finished on it.

  Got some washing on the line, its cold out but lovely and sunny. I think this autumn, fall, is going to be nicer than the summer we had here.  This is my favorite season though so I might be biased.

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