
Saturday, 11 June 2011

Weekend weaving.

   My order for 500g of white cotton arrived this morning along with another book I found on ebay. I haven't had a chance to look the book over yet but its by Nina Holland and its just about inkle weaving. I have her other book on inkle, backstrap and frame looms and really liked it so think this one on just inkle looms should be great.

  I need to mow and trim the front garden, grass and trees, but after that I will set up the loom to weave another clothespin peg bag for my mom. I've no idea on what colours to use as I don't have all that much cotton left, I'm bidding on more but that will be next week and I don't want to wait. I could take apart the original peg bag to re use the weft but I want to save that so I don't make the same mistakes ever again. All part of the learning process.

  I've decided to weave the new clothespin peg bag in three pieces, one back piece and two front pieces. This way will give me more chances to work on my hems and I think will produce a nicer result. The loom isn't made for winding cloth or yarn, it can be done but it means taking most of the loom apart which can't be good for the tension.

  Hope you all have a great weekend, take care folks.

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