
Friday, 6 May 2011

Nothing done, lots done.

    I've not got a thing done yarn wise, been spending all my spare time outdoors or in the poly tunnel. It rained a little yesterday and it was nice to be in the poly tunnel working and hearing the pitter patter of the rain. I'm still not convinced that the poly tunnel is secure from a strong wind but I'm probably being overly paranoid, still I'll not be happy until its been tested. We may have 25mph gusts this weekend which will ease my mind a little but until something in the 40+ mph range blows through I'm going to be worried I'll wake up one morning and my poly tunnel will be in the next county.

   I need to start working on my fiber projects again, I still have the pipe pouch on the needles and its less than an inch of knitting until its finished. Nothing on the inkle loom at the moment but I want to test the new red nylon thread I have as well as test a warping method to check for length. The scarf is still on the frame loom, just need to finish off the yarn on the shuttle and I'll take it off there and see what it looks like. I'm not too bothered about the length of the scarf I just want to see what my over all weaving it like spread over a few days (weeks now).

  Hope you all have a great day, take care folks.

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