Well thats enough bookmarks for awhile, I messed up a cable row and when I tried to unknit the row I really messed up the row even more. Things went downhill fast from there so I frogged the lot. I did knit some of it before I messed up so that counts towards yesterdays plans.
Talking of yesterdays plans I also got half a batt spun, it was one of my bigger batts so I'm happy with doing half of it. I didn't get anything done with any Iphone socks, no designs or knitting but I'll make a start on that today now I'm taking a break from bookmarks. Going to keep it simple for now and do a slip stitch colour one but using variegated yarn just to see how it looks.
I warped the inkle loom with cotton yesterday and had a good day of weaving, my starts are very dodgy but once settled down alls good. My edges are looking a lot better now. I got a lot of dark/light blue striped cotton in the bunch I bought so I used that for the edges and weft, its not as bad looking as I feared. I used a navy blue for single lines and they highlight the other two blues that I did in a sort of check pattern really well. I'm very happy with the way I'm coming along and I haven't gotten the inkle weaving book yet, fingers crossed that should come today.
I'm hoping to bottle some bitter today but the fermenting seems to be taking forever, 12 days and I'm still not sure its ready for bottles. I might just put it in a barrel so its not sitting on the sludge and let it finish fermenting for a few more days.
The winds really howling here today, I woke up to find my gate had blown down and watching the fencing its really bending in the wind so not sure how well that will hold up today. Weatherman says 65mph gusts but haven't seen any local readings yet, I don't think the weather man is far off though. Not seen it this windy during daylight in a while.
Hope you all have a great day, take care folks.
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