
Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Sock mishap

  Started knitting the other sock yesterday and noticed a massive pull  along one of the rows all along one side of the sock. I ripped out about an inch of knitting then tried to get the sock back on the needles, no joy at all so had to frog the lot. So far I've re knitted the hem and a couple of rows, the other sock is about 3 inches long.

  The weather today is wonderful, sunny and warm with clear blue skies and hardly a breeze. Far from t shirt weather but definitely bbq weather. There is a feeling of spring in the air, not sure how long that will last until winters back. Its a nice change from the gales we've been having though, 76 mph gust recorded locally yesterday daytime.

  Been having trouble with my Internet connection, its been running way too slow for a month or two and today it keeps knocking me off line so I'm not sure when I can get this post up. Hopefully I'll be back online asap.

Hope you all have a great day, take care folks.

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