
Saturday, 20 November 2010

Spinning and weaving.

Practise weave

   A couple of pictures of my weaving. I haven't made anything by weaving yet, I am planning on doing a scarf just not sure when.

  This is side on, it was the dotted rows I was having a lot of trouble making. I still haven' t done a piece with solid vertical rows yet. I have an idea how there done though.

first attempts at weaving

  The ends are not tied off, I just took it off the loom as is. It was really just a practise piece so I could see if I could do the dotted rows.

Practise weave

    The way to get the dotted rows was by using two strands of yarn around the shuttle. Once I have more time I'll try more than two strands and see what that produces.
first attempts at weaving

I think it looks pretty good, though it is very untidy, I can do the edges OK so that they don't stretch inwards as you go along but they do still need tidying up.
First attempts on frame loom

  I'm a long way away from weaving a tartan yarn, it can be done with the loom I have but really its done on a,I think 4 or 8 type loom.
   I'll keep at it when I have the time, probably once Christmas is 
over with.

  Ok now for my yarn pictures.
Hand spun yarn

This is my two ply home spun, its white and oatmeal bfl.

  I spun the white on my kick spindle and the oatmeal on my small top whorl drop spindle. No pictures yet of my drop spindle.
  The yarn has been set in hot water but I think I should of left it longer. The Christmas yarn I spun I left in the hot water longer and its come out much better with less twisting on itself.
Home spun yarn
I'll do more pictures of my home spun yarn starting with whats on the spindles to singles and all the way to plied.

I hope this post looks ok, it does in my browser but here writing it out the pictures are all over the place to make it work.

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