
Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Ply Today.

   Its a bit wild out, expecting winds around 50 mph and the rains are already here. I often love walking in this weather though, theres a certain isolatedness about it that gives you time to think. And of course the dog loves walking in any weather.

  I spun some more oatmeal yesterday, I could fit more on the spindle but think there is now enough on there to ply both bobbins with. I'm probably wrong but I need these lessons to become experienced. Being able to judge things by eye will be very handy.

  This will be the third time I've plyed and is the second skein for the Christmas gift. One thing I do like about plying the white and oatmeal is that you can see the twists clearly, helpful for the beginner. Reckon it will take me a couple of hours, haven't really timed it. The first time was a complete tangled mess and took me two days, I think last time took most of the afternoon. I'm aiming for 100+ yards again, fingers crossed I've got it right. I could do with some decent scales to weigh the yarns, my kitchen ones are rubbish.

  The pocket scarf is coming along nicely, its nearly two feet long now but will be folded over around the 5" mark. Not 100% sure of the finished length, I'll have to keep trying it on around the 4.5 foot mark...... Just got the tape measure out and tried it around my neck to my hands and think 5.5 feet should be about right.

  Well I best get plying, have a good day.

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