
Saturday, 31 July 2010

Free style back pack

  Here are some pictures of the back pack I promised. They were taken straight off the needle so no weaving in or blocking has been done.
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Here is a close up of the front showing double basket weave and a little bit of the 3*1 rib. k3 p1 ribbing.

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A full size picture showing the front and sides of the backpack. You can see the two bands of double basketweave, the 3*1 rib and the 1*1 ribbing at the top. You might be able to see a few holes at the top for threading the Icord

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   Here's the back view of the front and sides, the inside part of the backpack. I was thinking of making this the outside part, I do like the wrong side of the 3*1 rib.
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  A couple more shots showing the double basket weave in different lights, my batteries were running low so had to turn the flash off.

  I still need to do the Icord and the straps then I can sew it all together. I really need to come up with an idea beyond buttons for adjusting the straps. I might also add a pocket to the front to hold little things and maybe a holder inside for long needles, though I only use small connected ones for all my knitting. I'm not planning in lining the bag but that might change.
  Once its all finished I'll do more pictures and a better write up with some sort of instructions for it. There really is no pattern so am calling it my free style backpack.

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