Image now here
This is double basket weave that I'm knitting around the bottom front and sides of the backpack. I'll have to take a picture and add it later as I couldn't find any good ones on the net.
Might even knit up a swatch just for you.
Cast on multiplies of 18 plus 10
1: (RS)*K11, p2, k2, p2, k1; repeat from *, end k10.
2: P1, k8, p1, *p1, (k2, p2) twice, k8, p1; rep from *.
3:*K1, p8, (k2, p2) twice, k1; rep from *, end k1, p8*, k1.
4: P10, *p1, k2, p2, k2, p11; repeat from *.
5: 6: 7: and 8: Repeat rows 1: 2: 3: and 4:
9: Knit row
10: (P2, k2) twice, p2, *p10, (k2, p2) twice; repeat from *.
11: *(K2,p2) twice, k2, p8; rep from *, end (k2, p2) twice, k2.
12: (P2, k2) twice, p2, *k8 (p2, k2) twice, p2; rep from *.
13: *(K2, p2) twice, k10; rep from *, end (k2, p2) twice, k2.
14:, 15:, 16: and 17: Repeat rows 10:, 11:, 12: and 13:.
18: Purl row
Repeat rows 1 - 18.
I need to charge the batteries for the camera then I'll take some pictures of the backpack and maybe a double basketweave swatch. Also need to take pictures of the bakers boy / newsboy hat I knitted.
Click here for double basket weave picture
Click here for double basket weave picture
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