Ello folks, I have absolutely nothing to blog, zilch, nadda, not a single thing. Its been a very lazy week for me, I've not done anything yarn wise, no knitting, weaving or spinning. I did do a little gardening, transplanted and thinned some of my tobacco plants.
My sister is due down on Sunday so now I'm in a rush to finish weaving the scarf but the problem is I'm not very happy with the results so far so might not end up giving it to her after all. That's even if I can get it finished in time. I'll see how it turns out after its been washed but if I'm not happy I'll save it as a sample so I can see my improvements over time. I can always whip up a book mark or keythob on the inkle loom, love the inkle loom as its really quick to weave simple patterns.
Hope you all have a great day, take care folks.